Genotoxicity of Pesticides a Review of Human Biomonitoring Studies

Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Genotoxic Take chances in Human Populations Exposed to Pesticides

Submitted: October twelfth, 2017 Reviewed: April 24th, 2018 Published: July 11th, 2018

DOI: x.5772/intechopen.77968

From the Edited Volume


Edited past Marcelo L. Larramendy and Sonia Soloneski


The importance of early detection of genetic harm is that information technology allows taking the necessary measures to reduce or suppress the exposure to the deleterious agent when it is notwithstanding reversible, thus decreasing the risk of developing diseases. For this reason, genotoxicity tests should exist considered as indispensable tools in the implementation of a complete medical surveillance in people potentially exposed to various environmental pollutants and peculiarly those who live in the same place with people who accept already developed some type of neoplasia at early ages in order to prevent the occurrence of tumors of environmental origin and work-related. On the other hand, the application of these tests is useful to observe possible long-term effects of substances that are introduced to the market without knowing exactly their chapters to touch human and environmental health.


  • genotoxicity
  • pesticides
  • Argentina

1. Introduction

ane.ane. Pesticides

Pesticides are a heterogeneous group of chemical compounds used in the production of nutrient and considered ane of the major sources of contamination by constructed substances generated as a result of agricultural activity. For more a decade, many of them take been classified every bit potential carcinogens [ane, two].

The Food and Agronomics Organization of the United Nations (FAO [3]) defines a pesticide as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying or decision-making any plague, including vectors of man or beast diseases, unwanted species of plants and animals that cause harm or interfere in any other way in the production, processing, storage, transportation or commercialization (marketing) of nutrient, agronomical products, woods and its derivates [iv].

The benefits obtained by the use of pesticides are certainly numerous, still, the dissemination of large amounts of these compounds to the environment, has led to problems affecting both the environment and human health [5]. Especially, in agronomical activities, agrochemicals are widely used products, and its use without the necessary protection can pb to genetic alterations and the possible development of some types of neoplasia [6, 7].

Exposure to these substances results in astute poisoning. Poisoning is the trunk's reaction to a toxic amanuensis, and it is described as acute poisoning when the symptoms occur after a contempo exposure to the chemical. In this kind of intoxication, the diagnosis is relatively like shooting fish in a barrel, fast and with an established treatment.

Chronic health effects have been associated to pesticide exposure, including neurological disorders, reproductive or developmental problems and cancer. Epidemiological studies on farmers, pesticide manufacturers, pesticide sprayers and on accidentally exposed industrial workers or residents have shown that exposure to pesticides may increment the risk of site-specific cancers. Too, increased risks have been detected for leukemia, Ewing's bone sarcomas, kidney cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, not-Hodgkin'southward lymphoma, and testicular, colorectal, endocrine glands and brain cancers in children exposed to pesticides in their dwelling house or whose parents were occupationally exposed to pesticides [8].

i.2. DNA harm

Experimental data reveal that the chemical substances used in nutrient production contain many components that affect the genetic material of organisms—they are genotoxic agents—([9, ten, eleven, 12, xiii, xiv, 15, 16]) and they may be responsible for the loftier incidence of different types of cancer (both in children and adults), reproductive problems or malformations in the offspring of populations occupationally and/or environmentally exposed to these compounds.

It has been observed that the offspring of agricultural workers accept a college risk of congenital anomalies. However, congenital anomalies in the mid-1990s represented around xx% of deaths during the first twelvemonth of life in some countries, and in other countries, they represented nearly xl% of deaths [17].

A genotoxic amanuensis is described every bit a physical, chemical or biological agent that tin interact with the genetic fabric (Deoxyribonucleic acid) of organisms causing alterations, harm or ruptures.

This term includes agents that interact both straight and indirectly with the Deoxyribonucleic acid causing ruptures and, also, those that interfere with enzymatic processes of repair, genesis or polymerization of proteins involved in chromosome segregation. Consequently, they may change the construction of a specific genome. Genotoxic agents can demark directly to DNA or act indirectly by affecting the enzymes involved in the physiological modifications of Deoxyribonucleic acid during replication or transcription. These alterations could lead to impaired embryonic development or exist the initial steps in the development of cancer. Genotoxic agents are not necessarily carcinogenic, but almost carcinogens are genotoxic.

Genomic damage is probably the near important and central cause of neurodegenerative disorders, reproductive effects and developmental issues [8]. It is also well established that genomic damage is produced by exposure to ecology contaminants (eastward.g., metals, pesticides), medical procedures (eastward.g., radiation and chemicals), micronutrient deficiency (e.1000., folate), lifestyle factors (e.k., alcohol, smoking, drugs and stress), and genetic factors such as inherited defects in DNA metabolism and/or repair (The netherlands et al [18, nineteen, xx]).

Therefore, in recent years, in that location has been an increase in the number of studies that seek to understand and evaluate, using biomarkers, the possible consequences that exposure to pesticides has on the surroundings and mainly on human being beings [21, 22, 23].

1.three. Genotoxicity biomarkers

Biomarkers are biological parameters that provide information most normal or pathological states of an individual or a population, and they are used for monitoring different aspects of a affliction such equally: treatment, prevention, diagnosis and progression of the disease, responses to the therapy, experimental toxicological evaluation of drugs or pesticides, ecology and epidemiological risk measurement, as well as evaluation of therapeutic intervention, among others [24].

In this sense, the use of genotoxicity biomarkers—chromosomal aberrations (CA), micronuclei (MN), sis chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and comets (CO)—has been relevant to analyze the potential risk of a substance, as they reveal the damage to the DNA, the molecule that transmits genetic data through generations. Therefore, they are considered suitable biomarkers to evaluate the chance of a potentially harmful substance and, in addition, their carcinogenic take a chance [66].

The chromosomal abnormality examination detects numerical (aneugenic effect) or structural (clastogenic effect) alterations at the chromosomal level. The importance of this test lies in experimental and epidemiological evidence suggesting that structural aberrations are involved in the carcinogenesis procedure, and, therefore, a high frequency of chromosomal aberrations is associated with an increased gamble of developing cancer in the hereafter ([26, 27, 28, 29, xxx]).

Micronucleus test detects breaks at the chromosomal level and alterations of the mitotic appliance, allowing the identification of compounds with aneugenic and clastogenic effects. The simplicity of the test is an advantage and the number of cells scored (1000 cells) gives statistical significance to the study.

The prospective analysis of a database of 6700 subjects from 20 laboratories representing ten different countries have confirmed that a high frequency of micronuclei is predictive of an increased take a chance of cancer (Bonassi et al. [31, 32, 33]).

Sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) are another cytogenetic analysis to evaluate alterations at the chromosomal level. The substitution between sis chromatids occurs precisely past the reciprocal exchange of DNA betwixt two sister chromatids in a duplicated chromosome. The frequency of substitution in eukaryotic cells is increased past the exposure to genotoxic agents that induce DNA damage by interfering with its replication, but information technology is not increased by those agents that only induce breaks in the Dna strands [28]. However, the formation mechanisms of these alterations are non completely elucidated, and, therefore, their biological significance is nevertheless uncertain [28].

The chief molecular studies are (1) molecular cytogenetics to detect inversions, translocations, or to place the chromosomal origin of micronuclei and (2) comet analysis in lymphocytes.

The comet assay is an electrophoresis technique in agarose microgels considered to be highly sensitive to notice Deoxyribonucleic acid damage in unmarried cells. It detects Deoxyribonucleic acid single- and double-strand breaks, labile alkali sites, and DNA-Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA-protein cantankerous linking associated with repair sites by incomplete excision. When the nucleus is subjected to electrophoresis, the Dna fragments migrate in a blueprint that resembles a comet, hence the proper noun of this assay [34].

The studies that define the mechanisms of action and/or the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects can be performed at different levels of complication. In vitro assays are very useful to observe the genotoxic furnishings of diverse agents in human cellular systems. Although these models do not include the toxicokinetics of substances (absorption, distribution, metabolization and excretion), information technology is possible to evaluate their potential effects using a wide range of biomarkers [25].

In vivo genotoxicity, studies provide a physiological framework to the action of unlike agents with genotoxic potential. This allows to evaluate, nether controlled conditions, a systemic response to the amanuensis in question and to discern the furnishings according to the route of entry of the amanuensis to the organism. These studies bring the results one stride closer to real human exposure.

Finally, epidemiological studies use dissimilar genotoxicity biomarkers for the written report of populations exposed to toxic agents. At the international level, there are numerous studies evaluating the effect of pesticides on the genetic cloth of exposed populations; withal, in Argentina, these are still scarce [21, 35, 36].

one.4. Populations man exposed to pesticides

Studies conducted in populations exposed to pesticides, by and large in European applicators, show positive association betwixt exposure to a circuitous mixture of agrochemicals and the presence of CA, SCEs, MN and/or CO [21, 37, 38, 39].

Argentine populations are exposed to complex mixtures of pesticides. In the province of Córdoba, the most commonly used mixtures contain glyphosate, cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, and others as active ingredients ([40, 41]). Evaluating the genotoxic potential of components of the mixtures is the initial step to study its behavior to cheque possible combative or synergistic effects that could modify the effect.

In that location are few reports regarding the genotoxic potential of glyphosate, cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos. Glyphosate herbicide has been studied in our research group by [12], Bosch et al. [sixteen] and Barbosa et al. [42]. On the other hand, Kocaman and Topaktaş [43] reported on the furnishings of a commercial formulation of cypermethrin on peripheral blood lymphocytes, this is the but genotoxic and cytotoxic report in the bachelor literature. Rahman et al. [44] and Vindas et al. [45] analyzed the genotoxic effects of chlorpyrifos on human cells performing the comet assay.

Therefore, there is a clear need to assemble a gear up of tests that embrace different complexity levels so that we can have a more accurate approximation of the genotoxic potential of an agent on human population.

In this sense, information technology is important to highlight that a large part of the toxicity of many chemical substances is explained by their chapters to generate oxidative processes that tin damage various cellular structures, including DNA; oxidative harm is, therefore, an of import cause of genotoxicity [46]. One of the most normally used techniques to evaluate the capacity of a substance to generate oxidative damage is through the quantification of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). A large number of reports in the literature prove the oxidative effects of pesticides used in food production ([14, 47, 48]).

Given the impact of the problem raised, information technology is necessary to arroyo it not only from the biological sciences attribute (toxicological genetics), as discussed here, only to support it from the social sciences' perspective (legislation and ecology teaching).

The evidence of genetic risk equally a result of exposure due to the intensive use of pesticides indicates the demand to review the police enforcement, in order to develop educational programs aimed to control the utilise of these substances and/or implement prevention and protection measures.

Argentine legislation on pesticides is, in some cases, incomplete, permissive and/or obsolete [49, 50]. On the other mitt, in that location is no participation of the Ministry of Health in the approval of pesticides registration for agricultural employ. To the gaps or defects in legislation and the lack of control, is added the deficiency of measures that contemplate the effects of pesticides and their mixtures.

In the light of the foregoing, information technology is necessary to increase the scientific evidence regarding the toxicity and genotoxicity effects of chemical substances applied in our country. This will permit extending the legislation, adapting it to the real problems and, if necessary, modifying the permitted levels of pesticides and its mixtures in the surround.

In many countries, measuring the frequency of genetic impairment in human groups exposed to environmental agents has been, for decades, a priority in public wellness studies, and the increased rates of chromosomal aberrations (CA) is commonly interpreted equally evidence of genotoxic exposure and early biological effect on DNA.

Information technology has long been known that at that place is a strong link between DNA alterations and cancer or chronic degenerative diseases. The carcinogenic process is initiated and promoted by alterations/mutations in areas where oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair systems are located [51, 52].

1.5. Genotoxic effects in children

Regarding the age groups and the DNA effects caused past these chemical substances, we must differentiate betwixt adults and children. Children may exist more sensitive to toxic agents compared to adults and the genetic damage occurring at an early historic period may correspond adverse effects on boyish or developed wellness (Landrigan et al. [53]; Roberts and Karr [54]). However, the information most the genotoxic furnishings in children is deficient, although in recent years, the number of studies has increased [35, 55, 56].

Children are a high-risk grouping concerning the effects of air pollution on wellness [53, 54, 57, 58, 59]. Some studies propose that early childhood exposure to pollutants tin lead to the evolution of chronic diseases in machismo. The earlier the exposure, the higher the risk of developing a chronic disease, cancer included [threescore].

Among the adverse effects in children exposed to various environmental hazards, genetic damage receives special attention after it has been shown that an increased frequency of Dna damage in childhood is predictive of the development of cancer in healthy adults [61]. Children are all the same in an active evolution phase, and in this condition, their response to environmental risks may differ from that of the adults. The effects of this environment could manifest themselves many years, even decades, later exposure.

The clinical symptoms of acute pesticide poisoning are rarely pathognomonic; they can simulate an acute respiratory disease, conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal illness, cutaneous manifestations, among others.

In this sense, it agrees with Salameh et al. [62], Salam et al. [63], Alarcón et al. [64] and other authors who point that pesticide poisoning are commonly under-diagnosed.

Several studies show that an increase in the risk of developing cancer has been observed at high rates of both chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei [31, 32, 65, 66].

The presence of MN represents alterations that are the result of cell exposure to genotoxic contaminants.

The MNi originate from chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes that are lag behind during prison cell sectionalization and left outside the daughter nuclei. MNi can exist assessed in unlike tissues such every bit blood and epithelial tissue, and they can be hands visualized through the optical microscope. In particular, nasal and buccal exfoliated epithelial cells have been used equally biological control in people exposed to airborne contaminants since they are like to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and are easier to collect [18, 19, 20, 67, 68, 69].

The oral mucosal epithelial cells are the kickoff barrier for substances introduced into the body by inhalation or ingestion; therefore, it is a suitable tissue to observe the genotoxic furnishings induced by airborne contaminants. Studies have shown a potent correlation between the MN frequency in buccal epithelial cells and claret cells, also related to the subsequent take chances of developing cancer. Collecting the samples from this tissue is especially recommended for pediatric population due to the ease of the procedure ([seventy, 71, 72]).

The results from international and national publications are mostly consistent with the conclusion that environmental contaminants atomic number 82 to increasing the MN frequency in children [35, 49, 55, 56, 73, 74]).

Gómez Arroyo et al. [36] evaluated the potential genotoxic risk in two groups: one grouping of 125 children (52 female person and 73 male) from the land of Sinaloa (Mexico) whose houses are shut to areas of intense agricultural activity which are sprayed with mixtures of pesticides; and a control grouping of 125 children (57 female person and 68 male) living in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa; in both groups, micronuclei (MN) test in oral mucosal cells was used as a biomarker. The results showed a significant increase in the frequency of MN. Other nuclear abnormalities associated with cytotoxicity or genotoxicity were detected; in all cases, the differences were significant when compared to the control group.

Benitez-Leite et al. [75] analyzed oral mucosa samples of 48 children from Paraguay potentially exposed to pesticides and 46 children not exposed, in order to make up one's mind genetic impairment through the frequency of micronuclei (MNi). These authors institute that the mean frequency of micronuclei was higher in the group potentially exposed to pesticides. This research provides evidence of genetic damage in a population of children potentially exposed to pesticides sprayed in the environment.

Our enquiry group GeMA, performed monitoring studies in children from unlike locations in the Province of Córdoba through the micronuclei examination (cytoma approach) in oral mucosa samples. All the locations are surrounded past fields which are sprayed with chemical agents and where at that place is a perception of damage acquired by the use of agrochemicals. We studied 19 children between 5 and 12 years onetime, from the towns of Oncativo and Marcos Juárez (Province of Córdoba) which are surrounded by fields cultivated with soy and corn and with regular applications of pesticides [35]. Significant differences were found in the frequency of cells with nuclear abnormalities -buds- and the frequency of MN amongst the exposed groups and between them and the control groups. This work concludes that genotoxic monitoring constitutes the basis to a proper medical surveillance in populations at risk due to occupational or environmental exposure to chemic substances, such as pesticides.

Another study from Argentina [55] compares the MNi frequencies in oral exfoliated epithelial cells of environmentally exposed (by inhalation) children from urban areas with children that alive in urban regions far from the area sprayed. The studied population consisted in 50 children from the boondocks of Marcos Juárez (Córdoba), living at different exposure distances to the spraying site, and 25 children from Río Cuarto urban center (Córdoba), considered non exposed to such products. The MNi frequency was significantly unlike between the exposed children (500 yard or less) when compared to the group of children not exposed. Forty pct of exposed individuals endure some kind of persistent status, which could be associated with chronic exposure to pesticides. The results indicated genetic damage in the group of children exposed to genotoxic substances when compared to the other group, and highlight the relevance of the MN assay in buccal mucosa for genetic biomonitoring and public health surveillance. The performed test detects a level of damage that is still reversible.

The express number of published articles may indicate that conveying out adequately designed studies in children populations is hard, more research in this segment of the human population is necessary.

Overall, the show of genetic harm in children due to early on ecology exposure is strong, and every effort should be made to preclude them and pregnant women from such exposures and protect their wellness.

The most studied adult populations are those occupationally exposed to pesticides.

Several studies have been carried out in the agronomical sector, since it is considered the group with the highest risk of exposure to these compounds, with the purpose of evaluating the genotoxic risk they imply, specially for agricultural workers [76].

Aiassa et al. [21] and Gómez-Arroyo et al. [77] conducted a review work from studies performed on groups of people exposed to pesticides in Latin America.

In this paper from Aiassa et al. [21], we reviewed the main concepts in the field, the usefulness of genotoxicity assays and we compiled studies of genetic monitoring performed in the last xx years in people occupationally exposed to pesticides. We call up that genotoxicity tests, that include chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei test, sis chromatid exchanges and comet assays, should be considered essential tools for a complete medical monitoring in people exposed to potential environmental pollutants, specially for those living in the aforementioned identify as others who take already adult some type of malignancy. This screening is particularly important at early stages to prevent the occurrence of tumors, particularly from environmental origins.

This work reviews 100 reports from different parts of the world, including 21 investigations from South America in the following countries: Argentina (6), Bolivia (2), Chile (iii), Brazil (vii), Colombia (2), Ecuador (1); xiv from North America: Mexico (7), The states (vi), British Columbia (ane); four from Key America: Republic of costa rica (3), Cuba (ane); 37 from Europe: Hungary (four), Czech republic (ane), Russia (2), Spain (8), Greece (5), Italy (8), Kingdom of denmark (ane), Portugal (1), old Yugoslavia (i), Finland (ane), Croatia (3), Poland (1), European Countries (one); 2 from Oceania: Australia (two); two from Africa: Arab republic of egypt (2); and x from Asia: Syrian arab republic (1), Turkey (3), Pakistan (1), Taiwan (2), Israel (one), India (two).

According to the analysis of these publications, 90% of the workers exposed to spraying are in contact with mixtures of pesticides, therefore, it is hard to establish a correlation between a single pesticide and the damage observed. This leads to the effect of evaluating the hazard of pesticides mixtures. The combined action of mixtures may result in noninteraction or interaction. If the toxicological capacity of each component of the mixture is dissimilar, the interaction betwixt them may outcome either in an enhancement, when the combined upshot is greater than the additive effect; or in an antagonistic effect, when the combined event is less than the additive effect. The studies regarding the trouble of pesticide mixtures are rare.

And then far in Argentina, eight studies were carried out using CA, MN, SCEs and CO as biomarkers [35].

Dulout et al.'southward study [78] is the first reported study from Argentine republic and one of the commencement carried out in Latin America, which was performed in floriculturists using CA and SCEs tests, obtaining negative results for CA and positive for SCEs. In 1987, the same author [79], in another population of floriculturists, analyzed CA, obtaining negative results and later [80], in a new report reported positive results for SCEs. These results are followed by studies on rural workers (pesticide applicators) performed by Mañas et al. [lx] that evaluate CA with positive results, Simoniello et al. [81] analyzed CO with positive results, Peralta et al. [82], who written report CA, MN (in claret samples) and CO in both occupationally and environmentally exposed people, reported positive results for all biomarkers. Gentile et al. [41] too analyzed MN in blood samples with positive results. In all cases, the workers were exposed to several pesticides mixtures, making hard to attribute the damage to a single compound and also impeding the comparing between different investigations due to the big number and diversity of products applied. In none of these works was reported any exposure to other sources (misreckoning factors) that could interfere with the expressed results.

Gentile et al. [41] concluded that the exposure to pesticides in the study group of rural workers could induce levels of genetic damage detectable in peripheral blood lymphocytes by micronucleus assay. Historic period is a factor that increases both the frequency of binucleated cells with micronuclei and the total amount of micronuclei. Another factor, such as the years of exposure, does not touch these variables. Notwithstanding the to a higher place, all the potentially misreckoning factors must be considered when performing a cytogenetic evaluation.

Every bit shown, in Argentina, issues derived from the use of pesticides have picayune attention in the wellness organization. This situation is related to an underreporting of intoxications [83]. A loftier pct of the Argentine population is engaged in agronomics and lives in rural areas where big quantities of substances are used to control plagues. It is too known that a high proportion of the population is actually and potentially exposed to these pesticides non just because they participate direct in piece of work activities, but also because of the sprays that involuntarily reach urban areas, increasing the possibilities of harmful furnishings on their health.

According to Gómez Approach et al. [36], several studies about the genotoxic effects of pesticides have been carried out in diverse countries of Latin America from 1985 to 2013, using the iv biomarkers; 41 of these studies were analyzed: six corresponding to Argentina, two to Bolivia, ten to Brazil, 4 to Colombia, 5 to Costa Rica, ane to Cuba, ii to Republic of chile, 3 to Ecuador, and 8 to Mexico. In most of the cases, workers from dissimilar countries of Latin America were in contact with products that are included in the listing of highly unsafe pesticides, and it is remarkable that such individuals were more often than not agricultural workers who were exposed to mixtures of pesticides. Results obtained in the studies performed in homo populations demonstrate that CA, MN, SCE and CO are suitable tests to evaluate the risk associated with exposure to pesticides, showing a high per centum of positive results. Moreover, the studies carried out using CA and MN biomarkers have been correlated equally predictors of cancer risk.

The genetic, molecular and biochemical methodologies that currently exist facilitate u.s.a. to detect changes or alterations that human action as a warning signal, allowing u.s. to implement appropriate measures to minimize the risk on wellness [52].

One of the problems regarding adults population monitoring is confounding factors such every bit the habit of smoking, the consumption of alcohol and the occupational risk, that interfere in the analysis of the obtained results. These misreckoning effects are minimized and even absent during childhood. However, monitoring of children populations may consider potentially genotoxic factors including indoor tobacco smoke, regional ozone level, airborne nanoparticles, food contaminants such as pesticide residues and compounds generated by cooking (Holland et al. [84]), natural sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, environmental pollutants, fuel and hydrocarbon emissions, which can vary significantly betwixt rural or urban environmental settings [85].


2. Conclusions

Early detection of genetic damage is crucial to implement the necessary measures to reduce or suppress the exposure to deleterious agent when the damage is notwithstanding reversible, thus reduce the risk to endure diseases. Therefore, genotoxicity tests should exist considered as essential tools for a consummate medical surveillance of people potentially exposed to environmental pollutants and, especially for those who inhabit places where other people take already developed any type of neoplasia at immature ages, in lodge to foreclose the occurrence of tumors of environmental or occupational origin. On the other hand, the application of these tests is useful to find possible long-term effects of substances that are introduced to the market place without knowing their capacity to affect human and ecology health.

The large number of studies performed in both occupationally exposed populations and environmentally exposed children provides important data to create a listing of recommendations in club to avoid the genetic damage due to the exposure to pesticides and other contaminants.

Information technology is recommended against the situations mentioned below:

  • Disrupt the exposure to the potential gamble in the workplace or in the proximity of residential areas until further studies are performed, and protection measures tin be implemented to preserve the wellness of people (especially children) and the surroundings where they live.

  • Control the sources of pollution, with the primary objective of decreasing, removing or, ideally, eliminating the exposure.

The removal of sources of pollution away from residential areas is a thing of broad give-and-take, since it is difficult to control the drift of pesticides due to the environmental conditions in some provinces of Argentine republic such as Córdoba. Despite the toxicological classification of pesticides, the impairment they cause to the genetic cloth of populations exposed to these chemicals should exist taken into account.

The available literature shows an increased damage to the genetic material of children from Paraguay exposed to pesticides and living fifty grand from the source of contagion [75].

The report carried out in Argentina with children from Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) did not found statistically significant differences in the micronuclei frequencies betwixt the group that lives less than 500 m from the contamination source and the group that lives 500–1500 one thousand from it. The results of Marcos Juárez study showed that the pesticides could spread by air and reach the entire town. Therefore, the vulnerable population of children is subject to an extremely loftier concentration and continuous exposure of pesticides, given that they live surrounded by crops fields. Up to 1095 g from the sprayed site, no significant differences were found in the MNi frequencies betwixt the children of both groups. This data should exist considered when establishing environmental safeguards in locations that are surrounded by crops fields and regularly sprayed [55].

Agricultural manufacture is ane of the main economical activities in many regions of our country; notwithstanding, despite the benefits information technology provides, it is responsible of environmental issues, take a chance to human health and damaging other organisms, so the event is a negative overall remainder.

Reducing the environmental pollutants that affect human health, such equally metals, pesticides, organic solvents, food additives, some natural products, and especially their derivative furnishings, would produce a remarkable improvement in health conditions of exposed populations.

- Establishing a monitoring protocol that tracks genotoxicity biomarkers to determine whether the biological indicators of prison cell damage are persistent through time, at least for i yr and with two sampling in the absence of contaminants.

Genotoxicological monitoring in humans is a useful tool for estimating the genetic risk of exposure to a chemical compound or complex mixtures of chemicals and constituting an early warning system for genetic diseases, reproductive issues and cancer. It likewise allows developing adequate command measures that tin can be implemented to protect human being populations and the environment.

  • Conduct studies of contaminants in urine, claret and environmental matrices such as air, water, sediments and soil.

  • Educate the community with information campaigns nearly homo and environmental health to promote a civilisation of care, foresight and prevention in the area.

Information technology is essential to focus our attention on the children population. The WHO Task Force for the Protection of Children's Ecology Health has stated: "Children are not pocket-sized adults," the premise behind this principle is that children have an exceptional vulnerability to the acute and chronic effects of environmental hazards and that they are disproportionately susceptible compared to adults [sixty, 86]. It has been recognized that children are a group, within the population, that has particular characteristics of exposure and special vulnerability to environmental toxins, and it is required a strategy for run a risk assessment that considers their detail features [53, 54].

The health of a guild can exist judged by the wellness of its children. This implies the early on identification of preventable risks and the firsthand translation of this knowledge into effective protection policies.

The show of the effects of environmental exposure at an early age is so substantial that every effort should exist made to avoid such exposures in children and meaning women as well as to protect their present and future health (Kingdom of the netherlands et al. 2011).


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Submitted: October 12th, 2017 Reviewed: April 24th, 2018 Published: July 11th, 2018


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